

damon salvatore

{ primary }

when people see good,
they expect good.
and i don't want
to have to live up
to anyone's expectations.

ethena ugochi

{ secondary }

you've made
your biggest ally
into your enemy.
and i can promise
that you'll regret it.

beatrice mikaelson

{ primary }

i am not
you want to cross
paths with.


{ selective }

we are gods.
we can start as many wars
as we wish,
and abandon them
all the same.
it is of no
consequence to us.

tendai goldsmith

{ secondary }

i will conquer
those that wish
to judge and oppress me,
and those that stand
in my way
will be eliminated
in the process.

damon salvatore

revised history / canon divergence

trigger warnings: sexual assault / rape mention, slavery mention, death of a parent

+++ Damon is the product of Giuseppe Salvatore sexually assaulting a slave. He was going to send the woman away until Damon came out looking just like him; he did send Damon’s biological mother away after taking Damon to raise him with Lily Salvatore.+++ After Stefan is born, Damon already feels like he’s going to be second to his brother. He loves Stefan, but just like in canon resents him for both being the “real” son and just being a better person than him in general.+++ Because Lily Salvatore raised him, Damon still sees her as his mother and is very much still a mama’s boy. When she “dies,” Damon is afraid that Giuseppe will kill him. After turning, he also tries to find his biological mother and finds out Giuseppe had killed her instead of just sending her away.+++ Everything with Katherine is still canon and applicable, just with an additional underlying feeling of inadequacy compared to his brother.+++ Damon still fights for the Confederacy in order to gain his father’s approval. He obviously still does not believe in their ideals, but that’s also canon.+++ Damon kills Giuseppe instead of Stefan. After feeding on a passerby to complete his transition, Stefan still begs for Damon to turn but Damon, like in canon, refuses. They get into an altercation and end up back at their home, where Damon confronts Giuseppe and ends up killing him. Stefan still essentially forces Damon to drink their father's blood to complete the transition.+++ Because he knows he is a product of sexual assault, Damon does not do the same thing to Caroline. The only thing he compels from her memory is the biting, which he does to most of the people he feeds from anyway. He sleeps with her because she wants it and consents to it.+++ In the last century and a half, Damon has come to stop resenting Stefan for being white because he learns very quickly that being black is not a problem like he was led to believe it was by his father. He has embraced his blackness for quite some time now. However, just because Damon does not resent Stefan for being white does not mean his relationship with Stefan is any better than it is in canon.+++ I am making Damon younger than canon, because it’s fucking creepy that a 24 year old was trying to go after a high schooler that his 17 year old brother was dating. Damon is 19.None of what I am changing erases the fact that Damon, as a whole, is a problematic character. He still does shitty things regardless of what I am changing and I intend to still write his behaviors and decisions as he is in canon.Click here for Damon's Legacies verse.

about the salvatore bastard

full name: damon francesco salvatore
species: vampire
age: 177 19
birthday: june 18th, 1845
zodiac: gemini sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising
gender: cisgender man
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: pansexual
race: mixed ; black (senegalian) and white (italian)
hair color / style: black-brown; usually cut short and worn naturally. sometimes in braids.
eye color: brown
height: 175cm / 5'9"
family: stefan salvatore (half-brother), giuseppe salvatore (father), lily salvatore (adoptive mother), unnamed slave of giuseppe salvatore (biological mother)
fandom: the vampire diaries
faceclaim: jordan fisher

ethena ugochi

magic is a blessing and a curse

trigger warnings: child (sibling) death, mentions of demonic possessionEthena grew up as normally as any witch could while learning control over their magic. Her parents being pillars of the magical community and leaders of the largest coven the world has ever seen, Ethena found it very difficult to balance the magical studies they forced on her along with school and a social life. She elected to give up her social life to be able to dedicate more of her time to becoming a more powerful witch, and she has been doing so since middle school.Her reason for dedicating her life to becoming a powerful witch? When she was twelve years old, a coven of witches using demonic magic (and some possessed by demons) attempted to murder her entire family so they could channel the power of their family line and become stronger. Her younger brother had been nine at the time; the coven succeeded in killing him and channeling his power, as he was too unskilled to protect himself.Ethena’s parents, terrified that even after defeating the demonic coven that they would come back for her, made Ethena promise to learn and practice magic as much as possible so she could better protect herself. She vowed to not only them, but herself, that she would become the most powerful witch that ever lived and also figure out why their family line is so important that it would warrant their deaths…all in honor of her brother.Because of her studies and a general lack of interest in real life romance, Ethena has rarely gone on dates or had relationships in her life. It isn’t because she doesn’t get crushes, it’s just that she never has time, and no one can ever even live up to the expectations she has for romance in her head, anyway. She blames all the movies and TV she watches, but she also isn’t complaining, because a romance would just complicate things for her, anyway.This doesn’t mean she has no friends, however; she has two childhood friends that have been with her since before any of them could even walk. Ethena loves them more than anything, and being separated from them because of college has shown her that she maybe needs people more than she previously thought she did.After getting settled into university, Ethena meets a man named Terran that offers to help her learn more about magic. She is extremely wary of him at first, but she comes to learn that he is not a witch, but rather an Elemental; an immortal Earth God with powers she could only dream of having . And there are more like him, attached to all the different elements.Terran and Ethena become very close friends, after which he informs her that he had sought her out specifically when he first met her, because she is a descendant of his first ever magical pupil – the very first and most powerful witch to ever live: Hecate. And guess what? He needs her help on some ridiculous superhero-esque mission to save the mortal world. She would have been surprised, but she’s seen far too many movies for that.So now, Ethena knows why the demonic coven killed her brother. She is still learning more magic from Terran while navigating a world away from parents whose only aim has transformed from wanting her to protect herself, to showing her magical abilities off like a trophy; friends that have gotten so caught up in vampire boyfriends that they seem to have forgotten about her; and a coven that was like family to her.

about the heir to the coven

full name: ethena tyjani ugochi
species: witch
age: 22
birthday: december 13th, 1999
zodiac: sagittarius sun, aquarius moon, gemini rising
gender: transgender woman
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: demiromantic pansexual
race: black (nigerian)
hair color / style: usually long dreads, sometimes blonde sometimes brown.
eye color: brown
height: 163cm / 5'4"
traits/personality: self-sacrificing, rudely honest, curses a lot, restless, insomniac, media (tv, movies, music) obsessed, generous, expert in witchcraft/spellwork, extremely stubborn
family: parents (deceased but verse dependent) brother (deceased no matter the verse)
fandom: original story/lore
faceclaim: jurnee smollett-bell

beatrice mikaelson

even without you, i still feel dead

Born to Grace Marie Garrett and Niklaus Mikaelson some 700 years ago, Beatrice "Bee" Garrett Mikaelson is the fraternal twin sister to Bastien Jean Garrett. Her mother is the first doppelganger of Desdemona Godfrey, and the doppelganger magic mixed with the magic in Klaus’ blood make her and Bastien powerful tribrids, with Bastien leaning into his werewolf side and Bee leaning into her witch side from a young age. Even despite this knowledge, Dahlia still comes for them. She takes Bastien when the twins are just under 10 years old, and though Grace fought as hard as she could, she was no match for Dahlia and could not stop her. This is something that makes Bee resent her very heavily.When Bee is around 23, she is killed while hunting vampires and is thoroughly upset when she finds out she’s been turned into one. She has only ever known about the wolf and witch sides to her, as her mother kept she and Bastien’s father’s identity a secret. But after being killed with no vampire blood in her system and the knowledge that a triggered werewolf cannot be turned into a vampire...she figures out that she and Bastien’s father is none other than Niklaus Mikaelson, feared Original Hybrid, and someone she has been avoiding hunting because of how dangerous he is rumored to be, with Bee learning about the Originals through various books in her mother's possession.Needless to say, Bee is furious with her mother, whom she had thought was an acclaimed hunter of supernatural beings. Her relationship with her mother becomes strained, and a short while after Bee is turned, her mother disappears.Bee still hunts the way her mother taught her, and over the years she tries to get Bastien to do the same during the year she gets to spend with him every century. While they are very different people, Bee remains as close to her twin as he (and Dahlia) will allow her to be. When he seems distant, she causes some kind of ruckus or mayhem to get him to come out of hiding and spend as long as possible with her until Bastien ultimately has to (against his will) take after their mother once again and disappear. The cycle repeats for centuries, but Bee spends a lot of the time Bastien is asleep to try and break whatever spell or hold Dahlia has on him. She is unsuccessful.It takes a very, very long time, but Bee eventually grows fond of her vampire side and uses it to cause mayhem and chaos whenever she pleases. She eventually stops hunting supernatural creatures as often as she used to and simply murders for murder’s sake. She keeps a very close eye on the Mikaelsons and takes the Mikaelson name whenever she needs to be more intimidating than she seems. This eventually leads to Klaus seeking her out – initially to kill her – but upon finding that she is his daughter, he doesn’t. He’d thought that Grace had died while pregnant; after meeting Bee, he makes finding Grace his top priority. This is what leads the Mikaelsons to New Orleans in the 1700s, and while Klaus never actually found Grace there, he did find a home with his family. Bee, however, left New Orleans very suddenly after about twenty years and never came back. She had created a life with her father, her uncles, aunt, and even her brother Marcel. But it all felt wrong without Bastien, and so she left New Orleans to try to help her twin once more.For the last 250 years, Bee has been traveling and hunting more. She met her great love in Thailand in the early 1800s and after turning her into a vampire, has been in an on-again-off-again relationship with a woman by the name of Sunstra Saetan. Decades pass where they do not even speak to each other, but eventually, they seek each other out and end up together again for a short time before everything comes crashing down around them once more. Bee doesn’t mind the chaos and wishes Sunstra could stay with her longer than a few consecutive years, but also understands that she herself can be rather difficult to get along with for long periods of time. She doesn’t know why it’s a pattern in her life to only stay around the same people for short periods, especially considering she wants to be nothing like her mother, but in present day she is trying to work on herself just a bit more than she has in the past.Over the centuries since she left New Orleans, Bee has kept in contact with Klaus through letters and eventually phone calls, texts, etc. Klaus calls her after he banishes Rebekah from New Orleans (S1E16) and asks for her help in regaining control over the city and protecting his new child. While the fact that Klaus has a new child he is hellbent on protecting makes Beatrice very bitter, she still comes back to help her father even if only to make up for the way she vanished in the 1700s. Being on her father's side forces Bee to practice magic more than she has in several decades, and it also forces her to mediate between Marcel and Klaus, which she is not good at in the slightest.After Hope is born and sent off with Rebekah, Bee also leaves to try and find Bastien and Dahlia but is led right back to New Orleans, which she finds odd, but assumes Dahlia's magic is countering her own. By the time she gets back, Esther is causing mayhem and Klaus tells her to leave so she isn't hurt or used as leverage against him, but she doesn't, This leads to Esther eventually using Bee to body jump, after the Harvest Girl but before the witch Lenore. Beatrice's body is used by Esther to torture Elijah, but she is expelled from it by Kol. He does this in secret to protect his niece.When rumors of Dahlia start spreading, Bee is thoroughly confused because she already took Klaus’s firstborn child, so she chalks it all up to superstition. Then she begins recognizing the same signs she saw but did not heed when Dahlia came for Bastien. While she does not trust or like Freya at first because she not only escaped Dahlia without bringing Bastien with her, but told Bastien to keep her existence a secret from Bee... she partners with Freya to uncover why Dahlia is coming for Hope. The answer? Dahlia’s firstborn curse resets every 1000 years, and with Hope being Klaus’s firstborn child of the new millennium, Dahlia still comes for her. When Dahlia is killed and Bastien is set free, Bee tries her best to get him to stay in New Orleans with the family he's never known, but it's difficult. He's only ever known Dahlia and Freya and Bee, and it's going to take a lot of work to get him to participate in the family.This bio is consistently being updated.This character is heavily affiliated with desafrey, vampfrey, tricursed and my own Klaus blog. However, I am open to AUs where Beatrice is an only child, is the daughter of Klaus and someone else, etc. Feel free to ask me for an AU with Beatrice!

about the daughter of chaos

full name: beatrice jean garrett mikaelson
species: witch, werewolf, vampire tribrid
age: 700+ 23
birthday: 30th may
zodiac: gemini
gender: nonbinary; fem leaning
pronouns: she/they
sexuality: lesbian
race: white
hair color / style: medium-dark brown; longish 2C curls/waves naturally, but wears it straightened majority of the time.
eye color: hazel
height: 170cm / 5'7"
skills/traits/personality: skilled vampire/demon hunter, reckless impulsivity, restless, easy to get along with until pissed off, easily pissed off, life of the party, practitioner of heavy/dark magic, makes powerful spelled weapons, family oriented (usually only when it comes to her siblings), alcohol as a coping mechanism, lies to anyone (including family) to get what she wants, not afraid to cry her way out of a situation she caused, mean. very mean. usually for no reason.
family: niklaus mikaelson (father), grace garrett (mother), bastien garrett (twin brother), hope mikaelson (half sibling), marcel gerard (adoptive brother), henrik mikaelson (half brother), ursa mikaelson (half sibling), ase mikaleson (half sister), elijah mikaelson (uncle), rebekah mikaelson (aunt), kol mikaelson (uncle), tobias godfrey (adoptive mother)
fandom: the vampire diaries / the originals / legacies
first appearance: S01E17 of the originals
faceclaim: mila kunis (circa 2007-2013)


i see passion in your flaming heart

BACKGROUND LORE :Formed hundreds of lifetimes ago by powers unknown to humankind, the Elementals are human personifications of various elements found on earth. Their sole goal and purpose is to provide balance to the planet and rid it of violence, abominations against nature, and protect all humankind against forces that would seek to wipe them out – even if that turns out to be humankind themselves.Elementals appear human, even down to flowing blood and a heartbeat, but they do not age and they cannot die permanently unless killed by their Opposite. (Earth and Air are Opposites, while Water and Fire are Opposites) Because being immortal is an imbalance or abomination of nature, each Elemental has an Other. Others are a special kind of doppelganger for Elementals, born within each century of existence, that serve as a vessel for the Elemental power to flow through if an Elemental is killed by their Opposite. The Other would take over the Elemental’s responsibilities and powers, but would still remain themselves; the soul of the previous Elemental is now gone forever, unless retrieved from the River of Death – but the Elementals do not know this information as of yet.The Death Elemental, commonly known as Thanatos, underwent a great loss when he was tricked into accidentally killing his Opposite of Life. She had found that, after several thousand years of existing as a human, it was too much for her, and she no longer wished to be alive. After he lost Kijana (Life), Thanatos was so distraught that he retreated into a spiritual world of his own creation, a place the Greeks called the Underworld, and he then began to purposely create creatures such as werewolves, succubus, vampires, sirens, incubus, wendigo and many others which were abominations against nature.Without Kijana to bring balance to his power, copious amounts of death overtook the world in the form of plagues, violence, and natural disasters, all perpetuated by these creatures of Thanatos’ own creation. Once Kijana’s Others become of age to properly take on the Elemental power, Thanatos seeks them out and kills them. Unless found early by the other Elementals and protected by them, every Other for Kijana is killed each century so that Thanatos can continue to spread violence and death throughout the world.Over the last few centuries, Thanatos has made his creatures more and more indistinguishable from humans, and the other Elementals can feel something coming to a head. They all must set aside their differences and find out what to do about Thanatos and his perpetual state of grief, as it very well could be the slow end of humankind.HAKAN BASICS :+++ Hakan is from the same universe as Ethena. He is a villain in her story, but not the ones described in her bio.+++ Because Hakan is fire and all it means or represents, these are some things that might happen to your muse from being around him: heated skin, sweating, increased heartbeat, increased anger levels, increase in sexual drive or arousal, abnormal levels of confidence or insensitivity.+++ His abilities vary, but it's safe to assume that he can actively manipulate anything having to do with passion, anger, temperature (when involving heat), and fire itself.+++ Shipping is very hard with him. He is a villain in the first installment of a series I am writing, and he's a villain for a reason. He has love interests but they are other Elementals. He does not take interest in humans or human life at all and will not even sleep with a human. He will however sleep with anyone that is a supernatural being.

about the burning villain

full name: hakan
species: human personification of the element fire (elemental)
age: 10,000+ appears to be 25
birthday: difficult to tell
zodiac: probably an aries
gender: agender
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: pansexual
race: appears to be southeast asian
hair color / style: black; straight, sometimes shoulder length, sometimes short
eye color: brown; changes to amber based on mood
height: 178cm / 5'10"
traits/personality: observant, perceptive, intelligent, very blunt, manipulative, always has an ulterior motive, selfish, anger as a first reaction
family: none
fandom: original story/lore
faceclaim: manny jacinto

tendai goldsmith

if i can't have love, i want power

trigger warnings: death of a parentTendai (pronounced ten-die) was born in Zimbabwe in the mid 1500s, and he and his mother fled the country once Spanish men began taking their people and selling them into slavery for the new world. They made their way through Europe and to England, where the 4 year old Tendai was adopted by a very progressive, high-class family after his mother died from plague. He took on the name Goldsmith but his adoptive parents kept his given first name, shortening it to Ten to be more socially acceptable.Ten was raised in the same manner as his adoptive brothers and sisters (of which he had 5 siblings) and was treated no differently by his family. When Ten came of age, though, he learned that the shelter of his family home kept him safe from the cruelty and judgement of the outside world. He refused to let others’ judgements define him though, and attended Oxford the same as his siblings, worked under his adoptive father in the fine jewelry business, even climbed to the top of the social ladder in London with his fantastic taste for throwing very lavish parties.It’s at one of these parties that he meets Niklaus Mikaelson, who seems to have an eye for him and continues to come around Ten even well after their initial meeting. They are both stricken with each other and after a few months, Ten even follows Klaus to Italy, despite his family’s disapproval. It is in Italy that Klaus reveals his vampiric affliction, which Ten takes as an opportunity to use to his advantage. He is highly competitive and thinks vampirism would set him over the top within his social class, seeing as he could persuade people in many different ways to give him what he wants: more money, status, and power. All things Klaus himself can offer him, but when Klaus finally turns Ten and spends at least a year teaching him the basics of being a vampire, Ten disappears. He flees, and Klaus uses this situation as further proof that he can neither trust nor love anyone.While Klaus is looking for Ten in England, Ten is actually in France, which is where he meets a woman by the name of Desdemona Godfrey. She is the only immortal other than the Mikaelsons he has ever met, except she is a true immortal; she cannot die no matter what she is killed with. They quickly become friends, as they are both very driven people with the same goals for themselves: gain more power. While the two of them have slept together, Ten would hardly call it a relationship, mainly because what he had with Klaus was far more intense. He doesn’t think anything else will ever compare, but he remains close with Desdemona throughout the decades.After spending over a century traveling through Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, Ten gains word of the Mikaelsons for the first time in years. He makes his way to New Orleans in the late 1700s and rekindles his relationship with Klaus after several years of avoiding being killed by Klaus’ own hand. He gets close with the family, far closer than he had been before, and even helps young Marcellus adapt to being around vampires when Klaus decides to adopt him. Ten opens an antique jewelry shop in the French Quarter and all seems well until 1919. Rather than outright kill Ten to get to Klaus, Mikael compels Ten to forget the Mikaelsons altogether. Klaus doesn’t find out until he goes to find Ten as they’re fleeing New Orleans, and Ten has no idea who he is.When Mikael is killed in Mystic Falls (TVD S3), Ten’s compulsion breaks. It’s been a century and he has no idea where to find the Mikaelsons, but he moves back to New Orleans and stays there, helping Marcel run the city until the Mikaelsons’ inevitable return.

about the lord of london

full name: tendai goldsmith
species: vampire
turned by: niklaus mikaelson
age: 450+ 26
birthday: august 26th
zodiac: virgo
gender: cisgender man
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: pansexual (female/femme-presenting leaning)
race: black
hair color / style: black-brown / short
eye color: brown
height: 190cm / 6'3"
traits/personality: ambitious, skilled in fencing and jewelry making, stern, charming, patient, blunt, prone to violence if provoked, refined taste in a number of things, methodically manipulative, very good liar, persuasive, good at getting what he wants from people, always using the people he spends time with.
family: adoptive parents (both deceased), five adoptive siblings (two remain alive, both vampires turned by ten himself)
fandom: the originals
first appearance: season one
faceclaim: rege-jean page

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